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    Seven Ways to Achieve Work Life Synergy in the Age of Remote Work

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    Work Smart Now

    Global HR Thought Leader Richard Polak

    Jan. 26, 2021—LOS ANGELES CA.—Based on his upcoming book, Work Smart Now: How to Get More Done in Less Time, global human resources thought leader, Richard Polak, offers seven ways to achieve work life synergy in the age of remote work

    1. Dictate Your Emails. Email can impact your productivity in a big way. Use a dictation app so that you can quickly reply verbally. It’s quick and easy.

    2. Use Keyboard Shortcuts. If you are not using keyboard shortcuts, you may be wasting quite a bit of time. Keyboard shortcuts are time-saving and efficient, and they allow you to zip through tasks without spending unnecessary time on your keyboard.

    3. Optimize Your Task List. Spending more time than you need to work only lowers your overall productivity in the long run and means potentially running out of time to meet important due dates.

    4. Use a Password Manager. In a world where internet security is absolutely vital, who has time to remember all of their passwords? Utilize an application that encrypts your password lists so that if a databreach occurs, your information will be safe.

    5. Manage Email. Email can quickly consume a significant chunk of your work every day leaving you with less time to work on important tasks. Turn off notifications and zero out your inbox every day.

    6. Avoid Multitasking. Don’t attempt to multitask. It’s not something our brains can do, and it splits your focus between the activities in question, ensuring that neither is receiving your full attention.

    7. Get Enough Sleep. I recommend six to seven hours per night for adults. I also recommend napping for 10 minutes a day to improve productivity.

    These tips are based on Richard’s new book, Work Smart Now: How to Get More Done in Less Time which is now available for pre-order on Amazon: HERE

    About Richard Polak
    Richard Polak is a 40-year human resources thought leader who specializes in human resources, forensics, benefits consulting, workplace productivity, diversity and inclusion. He has worked in 90 countries and has advised over 300 of the world’s most innovative companies-from Google to McDonalds. For more information, visit: richardpolak.com