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    Author: jeannazelin

    Home / Articles posted by jeannazelin (Page 3)

    I attended a book signing event at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, Arizona last night.  Amazing author, Laura Day, talked about her signature topic, Practical Intuition.  I bought her previous book, The Circle, and her new book: How to Rule the World From Your Couch. So far, I am loving the book! Will post more after I have read both books...

    Lately I am pondering how present I am (or not).  And how present others are (or not).  It seems to me that we are all multi-tasking and not really doing any one thing very well.  Example: today I was driving my child to pre-school while also checking my e-mail on my iPhone, texting on my iPhone, talking to my child and thinking about where I was going after I dropped my child off.  In a word: unsafe. Yesterday, I showed up...

    I realize that so far on my very short journey into the world of blogging, two of my posts are focusing on this topic (being vs. doing).  So, it must really be important to me, eh?  It just seems that everyday I become more focused on the fact that most of the time I'd rather be being than doing.  Now this is a brand new revelation for me...

    Recently, a client sent me an e-mail with the subject line, "Where are you?"  He hadn't heard from me in awhile and wondered if I was here, in cyberspace. I've noticed lately that none of us is really "here." There's been a lot of talk about "being present" through the centuries.  Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and  "A New Earth" surely remind us to be present.  I remember Ram Dass' directive: Be. Here. Now. At one point this week, I was on...

    I find that many of the challenges I face in everyday life come down to a struggle between being vs. doing.  Deep in my heart I long to hang out, go with the flow, enjoy life and all of it's beautiful nuances...

    "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Harold Whitman "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." -Henry David Thoreau...

    I am surrounded by friends and associates who are doing the work of Byron Katie.  I'm sure you've heard of it.  When you are experiencing stressful thoughts, you ask the four simple questions:  1) Is it true?  2) Can you absolutely know it's true?  3) How do you react when you believe that thought?  4) Who would you be without the thought?  Anyway, the whole point of the exercise is to bring awareness to the fact that our thoughts are...

    Today's focus: gratitude.  I am grateful for my amazing family, friends and clients.  I believe it's true that what we put our attention on absolutely grows.  So for today, I am going to remain in gratitude for the abundant blessings I have in my life.  Let's see what happens.  Is it possible to go for even one day without wanting something other than what's right in front of us?...